Meet Nick
Video Review
ENNick had severe pain in his jaw caused by his TMJ issues, so he came to our office in Tyler, TX, for treatment.
Nick's Story
"I came to see Dr. Brian Stone for TMJ issues that I had with my left jaw. With the TMJ issues that I had, I had a hard time eating. Just even going to sleep at night — constant pain from the issues that I was having. I came to see Dr. Brian Stone, and after a few consults with him, we decided that the best bet for me was to go in and do a procedure on my left jaw. After the procedure, I'm back to normal — 100 percent. One thing that I love about Dr. Stone is he's very down to earth. He sits down and explains everything to you in a way that I don't feel that you get from a lot of other doctors that I've seen in the past. I was very comfortable going into the procedure, and I knew in advance exactly what I was going to go through. I would recommend Dr. Stone for anybody that has any issues with TMJ or any type of problem with their jaws."
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